
About me …

Serving as Loveland Board of Education Member and Representing the Board On 
District Facilities Committee
District Finance Committee 

Professional Background
Forty+ years of leadership responsibility in retail, technology, and healthcare. Retired from The Kroger Company in 2017 as Chief Digital Officer and held previous senior roles as Chief Supply Chain Officer and Group VP Logistics. Held earlier executive roles at Baxter Healthcare Corporation and Witron Integrated Logistics.

My wife Barb, our daughter Emily and I have lived in the Loveland community since 2001. Emily, attended Loveland Schools K-12, and later graduated from Xavier University. Additionally, daughter Kelly, son Jeff, and their families round out the Dougherty family with five grandchildren. Kelly is a former high school special education teacher/administrator and Jeff is an airline pilot.

Barb & I are the founding sponsors of Xavier University’s X-Path Program, targeted at assisting students on the Autism Spectrum to develop social and life skills as a foundation for independence and success in life.